Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Tools Ad Nauseum

May 26, 2023

True to the old adage of beating a dead you go. Actually, tools in your kitchen are super important. They can not only make your experience easier and efficient but you may even find it fun. And the more you cook at home, well...your food is fresher, healthier, way less processed and let's be honest, a whole lot cheaper.

So this episode takes on kitchen tool upgrades as suggested by @Serious Eats. Not going into specifics here because we want you to listen (or watch) this one but as a teaser, instant read thermometers and serrated knives. Does that whet your appetite? Get it? Whet your appetite, kitchen humor, ok, forget it.

To get the full effect, check out our YouTube channel, @thegirlcancook or if you're driving or something, listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you like to listen.

We were also guests on a great podcast Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations this week. Listen in the same places!

We appreciate it and if you could subscribe, rate and review...even better!

And thanks!!