Not Another Podcast?

Not Another Podcast?

Episode 74: O'MearaGate & Carolina Farm Trust

November 04, 2015

Greetings NAP? Army!
Tonight we get into "O'Meara Gate" when friend of the show Courtney (@QuadFatherMft ) visited The Mike O'Meara Show ( @MikeOMearaShow ) and well... it didn't go exactly as planned... and social media was all over it, including Courtney's appearance after TMOS on O'MearaCast ( @OMearaCast )  Needless to say, it is now #PodcastDrama
We also speak to Zack Wyatt of The Carolina Farm Trust ( @NCSCFarmTrust ) about the first annual Carolina Jubilee and how everything went.
We also talk about Halloween and other shennanigans as well...
Episode 74... It's A Go!!!!