Not Your Century

Not Your Century

Latest Episodes

1945: Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
February 24, 2020

AP Photographer Joe Rosenthal had one chance to get what would become one of the most iconic pictures in history. He didn't miss. After the war, he spent 35 years at the San Francisco Chronicle.

1937: Golden Gate Bridge Disaster
February 17, 2020

Chief engineer Joseph Strauss' massive safety net had saved 12 construction workers who'd fallen during construction. They called themselves the Halfway to Hell Club. Then a broken bolt turned the net into a killer.

1929: St. Valentine's Day Massacre
February 14, 2020

In the most famous hit in American mob history, seven members of Bugs Moran's North Side Gang are gunned down, cementing control of Chicago for Al Capone's South Side Gang.

1999: Impeachment Acquittal
February 12, 2020

Despite a GOP majority in the Senate, President Bill Clinton is easily acquitted on both articles of impeachment stemming from his lies about an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

1967: The Pill and the Puritan Ethic
February 10, 2020

Sparks fly at a San Francisco panel on changing sexual mores as anthropologist Margaret Mead suggests a new kind of marriage and promotes access to birth control for 16-year-old girls.

1986: Steve Jobs Buys Pixar
February 07, 2020

The big Bay Area business news of the day is Wells Fargo buying Crocker Bank. Nobody knew the computer graphics division of Lucasfilms would become a $7 billion company.

1956: Integration Fail at Alabama
February 05, 2020

Seven years before Gov. George Wallace's Stand in the Schoolhouse Door, Autherine Lucy integrates the University of Alabama. But she's expelled after two days — "for her own protection."

1997: Vallejo Courthouse Bombing
February 03, 2020

They were the gang that couldn't bomb straight. Their plan to blow up court records was dumb, they didn't know anything about dynamite, and they talked too much.

1865: 13th Amendment Passes House
January 31, 2020

As the Union nears victory in the Civil War, a constitutional amendment that would ban slavery wins a close vote. All that's needed now is ratification by three-quarters of the states. But do states at war with the U.S. count?

1977: "Roots" Is a Sensation
January 29, 2020

An 8-part miniseries about slavery told from the point of view of the slaves? ABC acted like it was afraid its adaptation of Alex Haley's novel was going to flop. It became the biggest hit in TV history.