Not Lukewarm Podcast with Deanna Bartalini

Not Lukewarm Podcast with Deanna Bartalini

Mercy’s Power by Maria Gallagher

June 16, 2023
A New Book

As always, learning about a new book is a joy and even more so when the author is a friend! Maria Gallagher has written another book, Mercy’s Power, published by Marian Press. It is a guidebook of how to bring the corporal works of mercy into your life to help us recreate the culture of life that is so needed in our world.

Bringing Mercy

What is mercy? In our conversation, Maria said, “mercy is love in action.” Does that not seem like a big enough theological statement for something so important ion our spiritual life? Truthfully, God’s mercy is not complicated. It is about taking what we have been given and giving it to others as God gives it to us. Without judgment, counting the cost, or expecting a return.

Purpose of Mercy’s Power

To give people tried and true ways of accompanying others with mercy during times of trouble. Whether it be a woman thinking abortion is the answer or someone sick deciding assisted suicide is the way, how can we be present and show our care and do something to help now?

Maria says, “This is the book I wish I had when I was starting out.”


Sisters of Life

Purchase Maria’s Book 

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This week, consider doing a corporal work of mercy for someone in need. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, bury the dead, visit the sick, shelter the homeless, or visit the imprisoned,


The post Mercy’s Power by Maria Gallagher appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.