Not Lukewarm Podcast with Deanna Bartalini

Not Lukewarm Podcast with Deanna Bartalini

Ordinary Time-An Opportunity

May 26, 2023


What is Ordinary Time?

This is one of the seasons in the Church’s Liturgical Year. We have various liturgical seasons, just as there are natural seasons. Ordinary time happens two times a year, and now it is beginning again, from May 29 until December 2. For more information, you can read this post. 

On to the Acrostic!

Here is one word for each letter of “ordinary” that gives us something to consider about Ordinary Time.

Opportunity – to take stock; grow in our spiritual life; to renew

Renewal – this can be a time of renewing our faith, certain practices

Dig – take a look and learn about our faith, dig into a specific book of the Bible, a saint, new prayer practice

Immediate  – focus on now, not the next event, but what is happening now

Needed – we need this time to maintain, to be on an even keel

Accounting – what is working, what isn’t in your spiritual life

Rest – rest, simply rest in a way that restores and rejuvenates you

Yearning – to deeply desire more in your spiritual life


Make your own Acrostic and leave it in the comments for us to see! Consider how you will use this Ordinary Time to grow in your spiritual life. And remember, I’m happy to connect with you and would love for your to sign up for the Live Not Lukewarm newsletter. It comes with a video series on prayer and scripture!

The post Ordinary Time-An Opportunity appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.