Northstar Big Book
Big Book: AA is "battle-tested"-Into Action (Jack)
Jack is one of those people in the rooms who speaks my language. When he speaks, I am able to hear the message so clearly. He talks about how this program is, "Battletested," and how the mental obsession is the most reasonable sounding voice in his head.
We go through the beginning of Into Action.
Please join us on Thursdays for my homegroup, Northstar Big Book Group. 7 pm EST
ID: 862-3132-5985
Pass: 1279
and follow on FB at Northstar Big Book Group-Cleveland, Ohio
#bigbook #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #northstarbigbook #thebigbook #bigbookstudy
Also, check out my new podcast: In Your Corner Divorce (a podcast about coparenting and focusing on the Northstar-the kids).
And my memoir: Seconds and Inches (available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Apple and anywhere else you can imagine).