Northstar Big Book

Northstar Big Book

Big Book pages 75-76-Steps 5-7-Joel G

November 01, 2020

In this Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous interview, I get the opportunity to have Joel G, my brother in AA, share his favorite pages taking us through steps 5-7.  This is his version of step 7.

"My Almighty Maker, I am ready and willing that you have all that I am - the light and the dark, the assets and liabilities. I petition that you take away every defect which blocks me from You and Your love and power, and from being of service to your other children. Please grant me the strength in each breath to fulfill your assignments as your trusted servant. Amen."

Please join us on Thursdays for my homegroup, Northstar Big Book Group. 7 pm EST

ID: 862-3132-5985

Pass: 1279

and follow on FB at Northstar Big Book Group-Cleveland, Ohio

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Also, check out my new podcast: In Your Corner Divorce (a podcast about coparenting and focusing on the Northstar-the kids).

And my memoir: Seconds and Inches (available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Apple and anywhere else you can imagine).