Northstar Big Book

Northstar Big Book

Step 11: Morning Meditation & Reading of Pages 86-88

June 21, 2020

Step 11: Morning Meditation & Reading of Pages 86-88

One of my dearest friends requested that I created an episode of our morning work.  This episode begins with 5-6 minutes of guided meditation and then the reading of pages 86-88.  This is part of our sacred contract between ourselves and our Higher Power. The next few minutes are only about you connecting with your soul self, with your higher power, with the universe.

This is your sacred time to slow down and be intentional with your day.

Showing up for this work, every morning is essential for our spiritual condition.

Please join us on Thursdays for my homegroup, Northstar Big Book Group. 7 pm EST

ID: 862-3132-5985

Pass: 1279

and follow on FB at Northstar Big Book Group-Cleveland, Ohio

#bigbook #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #northstarbigbook #thebigbook #bigbookstudy

Also, check out my new podcast: In Your Corner Divorce (a podcast about coparenting and focusing on the Northstar-the kids).

And my memoir: Seconds and Inches (available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Apple and anywhere else you can imagine).