Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#61 Keeping it with the times - Contemporary romance!

March 03, 2023

We've covered fairy tales, sci-fi, a little bit of fantasy, and we've definitely covered historical. But what about the big cheese...contemporary? Confused as to what that genre heading even means? Don't worry, Jen and Jackie go hardcore librarian for this one and break down the contemporary romance genre just for you!

Questions/Comments/Concerns/want to weigh in on the great contemporary debate? Email us at ragingromantics@nopl.org!

**A quick note on radiocarbon dating! Radiocarbon (C-14) dating is used to garner the age of organic and some inorganic materials (not metal) up to 60,000 years old. It was discovered as a dating practice in the 1960's and so the first calibration was used to dating something B.P. (before present date), which is used as 1950 in the dating community**

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