Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#45 The Lost Genres pt. 1- Let's go a-Viking

July 01, 2022

Raging Romantics Booklist!

Content Warnings: Discussion of dubious consent, non-consent and rape within novels, cultural appropriation, and minor language use at 24:52- 25:57 ; 28:55-29:32 ; 47:42 - 50:00

Questions/Comments/concerns or suggestions for episodes? Email us at ragingromantics@nopl.org!


  • Vikingr- Most likely meaning "pirate" or "raider," and potentially declining from Old Norse vik, meaning "creek." Used to delineate people of Scandinavian and Norse heritage who, during the early medieval period, were known for sailing and raiding other countries, primarily in the British Isles and Europe. This is where we get "Viking" from
  • Valhalla - "hall of the Gods," a belief of the afterlife where those worthy of glory are able to dine and live in eternity with the gods
  • C.E. - "Current Era" used in place of A.D. (anno domini)
  • Saami - any member of a people speaking the Sami language who inhabit Lapland and adjacent areas of northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland, as well as the Kola Peninsula of Russia.
  • Polytheistic - belief system with multiple gods
  • Normans - A group of people that rose from the intermingling of Norse invaders with indigenous West Franks and Gallo-Romans during the 8th-11th century. They came to power in the Duchy of Normandy, and would be remembered for invading Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in 1066 and establishing an early English monarchy.
  • Carolingians - The Carolingian Dynasty (751-887) was a family of Frankish nobles who ruled Francia and its successor kingdoms in Western and Central Europe during the Early Middle Ages.
  • Anglo-Saxons -Any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the 5th c. C.E. to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today part of England and Wales.
  • Lindisfarne - A monastic isle off the coast of Northumberland that would become famous for the being the first site of a Viking raid in 793 C.E.
  • dubious consent - "dubcon"
  • non-con - "non-consent"
  • Divine Right of Kings - the doctrine that kings derive their authority from God, not from their subjects, from which it follows that rebellion is the worst of political crimes
  • Anabaptist Elevator -

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