Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#43 Gimme Those Tessa Bailey Books!

June 03, 2022

We have such a treat for you with this episode, dear listener...we sat down with the Michelangelo of dirty talk herself, Tessa Bailey!

Her newest book, My Killer Vacation, comes out June 6. The heroine is a podcast-lover herself, so how could we not get Tessa on the show?! We talk all things romantic suspense, as well as Tessa's writing influences, process, and how she manages to write so many amazing things in such a short amount of time.

And, as usual, we here at Raging Romantics would like to apologize for the audio quality...Thank you for bearing with us, as you always do. We'll get this whole technology thing one day. We appreciate you!

Questions/Comments/concerns/recommendations? Email us at ragingromantics@nopl.org!

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