Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#37 An Homage to Retellings in Romance Books

March 04, 2022

Once upon a time, in a library not so far away, two librarians sat down to talk about retellings in romancelandia. We ask what makes an original tale? What even is a retelling? Join us as we break down some of the different layers of these types of stories!

Did you catch how many times we said the buzzword? Email us at ragingromantics@nopl.org with your best guess!

Jackie's proposed retelling schema:

  1. Original tales
  2. These may not be the very first instance of the tale/trope/motif, but they are often accredited as being the source of inspiration for derivative works
  3. Retellings
  4. a derivative work where an author takes a classic story, and reworks the characters, plot, setting/situation, in a new way, thus creating a completely new versino of the original
  5. Will often claim direct influence from the original tale by keeping the characters names/plot points/other identifiable fixtures
  6. Homage
  7. A derivative work that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another, original work. They may retain the names or the plot arc, or they may not. However they still claim influence from the original story.
  8. Rip-off
  9. Derivative works that pay no deference to original work. Can go all the way from ignoring their source of inspiration, to straightforward plagiarism where they rip pieces of another story and repackage it for their own monetary gain

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