Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

Minisode 11: Gatekeeping in Romancelandia

February 25, 2022

Jen and Jackie have a quick discussion on some twitter drama that went down in January involving a male reader trying to break into the romance sphere. As with all twitter drama, his tweet got blown way out of proportion, and romancelandia flocked to the defense of romance heroes everywhere...thereby effectively gatekeeping a sphere that claims to be one of the most welcoming genres out there. Let's get into it.

Tweet in question:


romance books: this man is so big. he is just so huge. he towers over me. all i can think about is how big he is. his arms are big. but i have to contain this feeling. we work together! yet my mind is imagining a life with mr big in all his enormousness. he is so... big.

7:06 PM · Jan 25, 2022· 2,334 Retweets 3,281 Quote Tweets 21.1K Likes

What do you guys think? Have you experienced any gatekeeping in romancelandia? Have you come across people make fun of romance? What are your reactions to this situation? Let us know at ragingromantics@nopl.org!

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