Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#36:Fanfiction in Romancelandia

February 18, 2022

Content Warning: Mention of sexual assault in a romance novel @ 34:39-34:57

Welcome back you sparkly romance nerds! First and foremost, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE WE'VE BEEN GETTING FOR LAST MONTH'S EPISODES! You love Ruby, we love Ruby, and we're seriously so grateful for all of you. In this episode, we follow up our last discussion of fanfiction with some live discussion and reactions! Jen made Jackie read a bunch of different original works from sites like A03, Fanfic.net, Wattpad, and Tumblr, and Jackie has a few thoughts...

Thoughts/feelings/opinions/fics to recommend to Jackie? Email us at Ragingromantics@nopl.org!


Books/authors we mention:
