Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#13 Bridgerton's or Bust

March 05, 2021

If you loved Regency romance novels before 82 million households tuned into Bridgerton's on Netflix, or if you're new to the regency game, then this episode is dedicated to you. Here Jen and Jackie attempt to boil down an iconic era of British history into a single podcast episode. Jackie's gives you a fun history lecture on what precisely the regency period was, and together your favorite hosts discuss where the regency romance got its start (all hail Queen Austen), and some potential issues that can be found in (arguably) one of the most popular romance subgenres out there! Button up your pelisse and throw some glitter in your mob cab; it's time to learn about the regency!

If you're interested in visualizing regency fashion, go find @Asta.darling on Instagram (I said it wrong in the episode)! She is an "historically-inspired modiste" who remakes period clothing (and fantasy clothing too), and posts really pretty pictures.


  • Regency

    • The period during which George IV, prior to his coronation, acted as Prince Regent (1811-1820); there is a larger sense of the the "regency," however, from 1789-1832

  • Porphyria

    • Disease from which George III was believed to have suffered; this is a disorder affecting the production of hemoglobin (a component of blood cells), and symptoms include abdominal pain, sensitivity to light and nervous system issues. Problems with the nervous system can further affect both muscle control as well and cognition

  • Bipolar Disorder (BP)

    • "Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression)."
    • Information on bipolar disorder (BP):

  • The London Season

    • The social season for persons of the peerage, conducted while Parliament was in session (typically late October-June, with breaks for the holidays)

  • The Town

    • London

  • The Marriage Market

    • Young women of a marriageable age, after being presented to the Queen as an introduction to society, were expected to make prosperous marriage matches to help increase their family's wealth and social status. Women would have had some control over who they danced with or agreed to court publicly, but the pool of candidates was limited, and perhaps only a few of the bachelors would have been especially desirable, hence giving it the sense of a market economy.

  • Peerage

    • A legal system comprising of various hereditary titles, and composes of a number of assorted noble ranks in descending order from those set to inherit the throne. The British peerage goes:

      1. King/Queen
      2. Prince/Princess
      3. Duke/Duchess
      4. Marquess/Marchioness
      5. Earl/Countess
      6. Viscount/Viscountess
      7. Baron/Baroness
      8. Knights of the Realm and the Gentry
      9. Peasantry/non-nobles

Books mentioned:

  • One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean
  • The Naked Nobility series by Sally Mackenzie

    • The Naked Earl (he jumps into her window...naked)
    • The Naked Gentleman (she just wants to know what kissing is all about)

  • Say Yes to the Marquess by Tessa Dare
  • Wild Wicked Highlanders series by Suzanne Enoch

    • Some Like It Scot (book 1)

Other authors we stan:

Research Books:

Research Articles:

  • "The Regency Period" by The Regency Townhouse
  • "When is the Regency Era" by Regencyhistory.net

    • This is also a good resource for all regency-era information!

  • "Regency Period Primer: Jane Austen, Regency Period" by JaneAusten.org
  • 'Historical Context for Pride and Prejudice" by Deborah Aschkenes
  • "What was the truth about the madness of George III" by BBC
  • "King George III, bipolar disorder, porphyria and lessons for historians" by Timothy Peters
  • "How accurate is 'Bridgerton's' tale of sex and scandal in Regency England?" by Meredith Blake

    • Looks at sex and what would have been expected of someone like Daphne Bridgerton

  • "The Regency Romance: How Jane Austen (kinda) Created a New Subgenre"  by Kelly Faircloth

    • Information on Austen's and Heyer's influence on romancelandia

  • "Ape Leaders: Spinsters of the Regency Era" by Maria Grace

    • Information on spinsters and women's statuses

  • "Gentlemen, Gentry, and Regency Era Social Class" by Maria Grace
  • "Black People in the Regency" by Vanessa Riley


  • "Social Class in the Regency Period" by Regina Jeffries
  • "The Gentry" by Mass Historia

    • Also details the other members of the social structure in British history

  • "Jane Austen's World" by Vic

    • Features the 1814 census showing breakdown of social classes

  • "When Was the London Season?" by Rachel Knowles
  • "Blame Jane: Romance Novels 2019-2020" by Betsy O'Donovan


Podcasts Listened to:

Important people to know:

  • George III

    • Monarch from 1760-1820

  • George IV

    • Prince Regent 1811-1820
    • Monarch 1820-1830

  • Jane Austen

    • I shouldn't have to explain who Jane Austen is...

  • Georgette Heyer

    • 1902-1974, author, published her first novel in 1921
    • Became known for starting the Regency romance trend and is still used as a resource by authors today

General timeline of the Regency period:

  • 1714-1837 - Georgian Era 

    • All the monarchs are named George, encompasses the regency period

  • 1788 - George III's first "great" bout of "madness"
  • 1789-1799 - French Revolution 

    • Agreed start of the "larger" regency period as growing feeling of Anti-Frenchness and fear of getting your head chopped off by the populace

  • 1803 - Napoleonic Wars begin

    • Furthers the idea of Anti-Frenchness as the UK goes to war with Napoleon and the French Empire

  • 1807 - Absolution of the Slave Trade Act 

    • Does not fully abolish slavery in the British empire

  • 1810 - George III suffers the Second Great Madness
  • 1811 - February 5 Regency Act Passed

    • Authorizes George, Prince of Wales, to act as Prince Regent in George IV's place

  • 1813 - Pride and Prejudice first published
  • 1815 -Napoleon defeated at Waterloo and Napoleonic wars end
  • 1817 - Post-war economic depression causes riots and protests; Jane Austen dies
  • 1820 - George III dies, George Prince of Wales is crowed King George IV
  • 1830 - George IV dies
  • 1832 - Great Reform Act passed
  • 1833 - Slavery Abolition Act abolishes slavery in British empire
  • 1837 -Start of the Victorian era