No One Told Me

No One Told Me

Avoiding Burnout & Being Someone Others Want To Work With

October 02, 2023

Every now and then we like to do episodes around the conversations we find ourselves having the most often. While on a few afternoon walks or over a McAlister's chicken salad sandwich, I'm hearing a lot of the same questions:

How do I separate my work life and my personal life?

What does it look like to work really hard, but still able to come home and do other things outside of work?

How do I grow into leadership positions without coming across entitled?

I don't like what I'm doing right now, I'd rather be doing (fill in the blank). Should I quit?

There have been a lot of questions about leadership, healthy relationships at work and really how to be someone others want to work with.

Most of what we'll talk about as we answer these questions are things I wish I'd learned sooner, things I really only learned by looking back and evaluating what should've been different before I hit the bottom of my tank.

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