

Ep. 72: The Superforecaster's Novels (Dan Mayland Interview)

March 15, 2019

Episode 72 of the NonProphets podcast, in which Atief, Robert, and Scott interview superforecaster and novelist Dan Mayland. Dan is the author of a series of spy novels set in and around Iran and the Greater Caspian region. We talk to Dan about how he got into writing novels (00:39); what will become of the Iran nuclear deal (08:56); how common conspiracies are in real life (14:05); his forthcoming work set during the siege of Aleppo (20:48); how he researches his books (25:10); the Middle East's prospects (27:16); what other authors have influenced his style (35:58); and what his fans are like (45:54). As always, you can reach us at or at (recorded 3/1/2019)