The NonProphet Podcast
# 84 — Be a Verb, Not a Noun
Pauly was an astrophysicist before joining the military, within which he worked his way up to the top of the food chain. During his career he was injured several times and used a variety of non-standard means to manage his pain, return to better-than-before physical condition, and continue to operate. This episode tours a few rabbit holes, concluding this about eating to produce a state of ketosis, "We are not arbitrarily assigning importance to something, we're looking for physiological markers when we eat in a certain way," and, "I'm ketogenic, I can't eat pan-psychism." Along the way some inherent skepticism appears, "I can't sell you the outcome ... but I can sell you the product that I assure you will produce the outcome," because it wouldn't be the worst fitness podcast in the world if we didn't mock some of the fitness industry's players.