Nonprofit Luminaries

Nonprofit Luminaries

Breaking the Cycle – Ending Domestic Abuse

March 02, 2020

Domestic violence impacts a wide range of people in the community. Survivor's lives can be impacted for years, but so can the lives of their children, friends, family and even their pets.

For many survivors, the emotional and psychological abuse is harder to recover from than the physical damage. 

Isolation, manipulation, gas lighting, harassment and other controlling behaviors can wreck havoc on a survivor's mind and mental health.

That's why, for over 40 years, New Beginnings has been working to end Domestic Violence in the greater Seattle Area. 

Today's guest, Susan Segall, tells us about New Beginnings and their work in the community. 

Susan has over 35 years of experience with nonprofits focused on gender-based violence, reproductive rights, peace and social justice. Prior to New Beginnings, Susan served as Pacific Northwest Regional Director for the American Friends Service Committee, coordinated emergency room and hotline services for Women Organized Against Rape in Philadelphia, and provided sexuality education to professionals at Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania.  She is honored to serve such a vital, groundbreaking organization as New Beginnings.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic violence, get help.  Call the New Beginnings 24-hour Help Line at 206.522.9472

You can find out more about New Beginnings at 

You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Learn more and help break the cycle.
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