The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

Latest Episodes

Say You Support, Even If You Don’t
June 09, 2020

The No Nonsense Show Episode #597 With all of the protesting going on, how can anyone pretend not to have an opinion? That being said, what is your stance on supporting the cause? Do you feel like people should say something even if they don’t beli

Questions Before The Protest
June 02, 2020

The No Nonsense Show Episode #595 The past few days have taught black Americans a few things. None of them are more important that the expectation is for us to be happy for what we have and to sit down in our place. The president cares more about propert

Women, Men’s Greatest Possession
May 29, 2020

The No Nonsense Show Episode #594 One more Premium episode for everyone. Happy Memorial Day, again! We learn the proper way of saying Haiti. This whole time we have been approaching the letters incorrectly. Either that or French Reggy is bad at all langu

Watch Out For The H’s
May 26, 2020

The No Nonsense Show Episode #593 Smooth wants to claim Memorial Day. No, he did not die in the line of duty. No he didn’t get injured in the line of duty. He just served as a military news delivery boy. He somehow injured his knees in the line of

Sprinkle A Little Luck On Your Prayers
May 22, 2020

The No Nonsense Show Episode #592 During the into Jamie Macks hand started itching. Almost like he had flea hand. But instead of going to wash his hands his first thought is to question if this means he has good luck. First of all, itchy hand means you a