The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

An Escort Is Still A Hooker

September 21, 2021

The No Nonsense Show Episode #691

A three-time vaccine getter had to go to the ER one week after receiving the booster shot. Instead of focusing on why she was in ER after receiving a booster, she would rather tweet. Instead of tweeting about the reason she was in the ER, she wanted to tweet about the fact that the hospital was full. Guess who she blames? The unvaccinated. Sadly, we must say RIP to her. But can we get some answers on why she was either there in the first place?

Jamie Mack wants to know if masturbation is cheating? What about if your significant other doesn't know? Smooth says that his women don't matter as long as he doesn't do it just before sex. I guess this is due to him not being able to perform. She can tell based on how much sperm he produces at ejaculation. Mack thinks that the trick is to edge for a long time and you will produce more splooge.

We try to get to some Question the Nonsense questions, but we get stuck on a question about whether or not w