The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience

Reggy Got No Gag

June 15, 2021

The No Nonsense Show Episode #678

Do you respect your friend's time? DO you consider people that don't respect your time, friends? Jamie Mack and French Reggy staged a betrayal against me last week on their premium episode. Why? Because I refuse to hang out with them anymore. They were late many times. Obviously, they don't respect my time or me. So I retired.

The Great Resignation is upon us. No one wants to work and lets face it, no one has to. Unemployment is paying people to sit at home and just be. Why would you return to a job if you only make a bit more than welfare? So now there are 9.3 million jobs available and no one willing to fill them. Meanwhile the workers who have gotten a taste of working from home have no interest in returning. Let's all quit our jobs and just float.

If your girl wanted to test the waters and just see if she could do better than you, is that something you could live with? Approve of? What if she came back and said she couldn't find better? Does this please you or infuriate you? Which one of us do you think would allow it?

They have finally done it. They have tried to cancel a black woman. Not only are they trying to cancel a black. Some would say they are trying to cancel THE black woman. At least of the past decade or two. Beyonce? Really? Do you think Cater 2 U has lyrics that advocate slavery? Is it not okay for you to pamper your man? Is it even possible to cancel Destiny's Child?

French has finally done it! He has brought back Black Roxanne in a special way. Many of you know Roxanne. But did you know that she has no gag reflex? Did you know that she advocates for men being better at head than women? Spoiler Alert: French Reggy is actually Black Roxanne.

Reggy Got No Gag #TNNS678

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