No-Budget Nightmares

No-Budget Nightmares


December 19, 2015

THE BASTARDS HAVE LANDED! It’s the NO-BUDGET NIGHTMARES holiday spectacular, and this year Moe and Doug are giving themselves a treat: Peter Jackson’s microbudget sci-fi splatter classic BAD TASTE! Stoke the homefire and hang the stockings, because we’re kicking in the new year with BRAIN SQUISHING, SHEEP ‘SPLODING, and CHAINSAW DISMEMBERMENT.. Just like mom used to make! It’s the best thing going today, and available for your ear holes right now. Hope you’ll continue to join us in 2016 you lovely people. KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES! Want more of this goodness (and some fine perks)? Support No-Budget Nightmare on PATREON! Go ahead and check out NO-BUDGET NIGHTMARES on Facebook! You’ll be our best friend. Or check out Moe and Doug on Twitter! And head over to Daily Grindhouse for all of your horror/exploitation film writing needs.