No-Budget Nightmares

No-Budget Nightmares


October 30, 2015

It’s our favorite time of the year! The time when ghosts, witches and goblins rule supreme! It’s.. uh.. HAUNTEDWEEN! So get your frat brothers together and slap a coat of paint on the ol’ Burber place, because it’s time to get SLOPPY. Doug Robertson’s microbudget slasher film makes for a fine respite for our dutiful hosts, but will they find themselves chilled to the bone? Or will the meager pleasures leave them cold? YOU MUST LISTEN TO DISCOVER THE TERRIFYING SECRETS! Want more of this goodness (and some fine perks)? Support No-Budget Nightmare on PATREON! Go ahead and check out NO-BUDGET NIGHTMARES on Facebook! You’ll be our best friend. Or check out Moe and Doug on Twitter! And head over to Daily Grindhouse for all of your horror/exploitation film writing needs.