No-Budget Nightmares

No-Budget Nightmares


November 19, 2014

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. This episode is PLENTY late, due to some persistent sound issues meaning it had to be recorded TWICE. Yes, TWICE! That means that Doug and Moe had to extract themselves from the slime (and maggots, and organ meat) of 1985’s GUINEA PIG and then hop right back into it again. And it’s all for you! Was the second time a charm? SORT OF! You get discussion of Moe’s work soundtrack, the upcoming American Guinea Pig film, some incomprehensible sound clips, Doug with a cold, Moe running on no sleep, and there may have been some snuggling. I can’t remember. Apologies for any sound quality issues that still remain, and stay tuned for another amazing song from Roo.

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