No-Budget Nightmares

No-Budget Nightmares

EPISODE 45: I AM HERE…. NOW (2009)

April 02, 2014

What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? OR.. what if he was real estate salesman/architect Neil Breen, who has spent the last ten years bringing his Hollywood dreams to life with a series of wonderfully bizarre films. In I AM HERE…. NOW, Breen plays ALIEN JESUS, who hops off his cross to teach us humans a little something about compassion and renewable energy sources. Are you a government fat-cat lining his pockets with sweet kickbacks? Well, Breen has some very harsh, unconvincing words for you! You also get fake babies, enthusiastic escorts, CANCER CHEMO, and plenty of gratuitous screaming. With another amazing song from the too-talented Lucas “Roo” Raymond!

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