No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

Latest Episodes

March 25, 2015

Opening Day is in less than two weeks! Following up on the baseball metaphor I used a few weeks ago, I'm going to use another example from Major League Baseball

How to Get Better Results From Third Party Recruiters
March 04, 2015

How to Get Better Results From Third Party Recruiters

You Don't Have to Hate Third Party Recruiters
February 25, 2015

You Don't Have to Hate Third Party Recruiters

Hiring Lessons from Major League Baseball
February 18, 2015

As we get closer to the beginning of spring training, there are notions to take away as you go forward. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explores a few on this show.   Trying to hire someone? Email me at  Visit my webs

Recruiting Lessons from Super Bowl XLIX
February 04, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a recruiter for more than 40 years. Follow him at the Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for. There are some interestin

Should We Talk About LinkedIn Recruiter?
January 28, 2015

I was an early adopter of LinkedIn (#7654, I think) and am using LinkdeIn Recruiter as part of my work. Should you? Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a recruiter for more than 40 years. Follow him at the Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for mo

What I Learned About My Biases Listening to James Altucher
January 21, 2015

I listen to James Altucher's podcasts whenever they are released. He is a very smart guy who interviews an eclectic group of guests. Listening to James, I learned quite a bit about myself and how I discriminate in my evaluation of people. Maybe I'll wak

Pick Up The Pace
January 14, 2015

Take it or leave it. Too many firms are still operating with this recession era mentality and losing candidates to other firms. On this show, I walk through some of the BLS numbers and point out some changes you need to make.   Hiring staff doesn't ha

Choosing a Recruiter to Fill Your Positions
December 17, 2014

Recruiters. It often seems like every Tom, Dick, Susan, Shailesh and Hao works for agencies. The phone calls seem incessant and the pitches seem the same. How do you choose between them. In this episode of No B. S. Hiring Advice, Jeff Altman, The Big G

Recruiting Smarter
December 10, 2014

You need to hire a boatload of people yet your ads are drawing the wrong candidates, your InMails are not being responded to and your calls are not being returned. What can you differently? Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses some things you can d