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Latest Episodes

2/18 How to Travel Without Dying
February 18, 2020

From the Coronavirus to cruise ships and airplane seats we're here to help you not die the next time you desire to travel somewhere. In other news we try some new plant based meat products with local meat entrepreneur Danny O'Malley. Also trump did some t

2/14 Valentines Day with Dr. Jenn
February 14, 2020

On this lovely Valentines day Dr. Jenn Mann joins us in studio to talk valentines day and answer questions from curious callers. Some of which include; How to handle a partner that still talks to their ex and how to keep a new relationship fresh.  If you

2/13 Its all about James
February 13, 2020

In todays episode we talk about all things gummy including the popular 90s flinstone vitamins. Speaking of 90s Ashley Judd's face is looking pretty puff. We also discuss how gross our phones are and some possible products to clean them and oh yea Pete Dav

2/12 Bald Eagles and moon cycles
February 12, 2020

Gross Nurse Stuff Another episode of Who Tweeted It this time Host Edition Learning something new about each other in the latest Gay-M-A

2/11 This Just in Jesse is a Serial Killer
February 11, 2020

The wonderful Shar joins us in studio We look at some conservative news in an all new segment News From The Right Ally and Shar test thier math skills

2/10 Why Cant Ally Get a Positive Text
February 10, 2020

James Simmons is back yet again for another laugh filled day Is it the Oscars or Oscar? Positive texts at least for Producer Jesse Some ridiculous college degrees

2/7/19 SesameYEET
February 07, 2020

Welcoming yet another person to the community with a new episode of closet watch Find out if we would live in a murder house in Really Estate Join us for an all new spooky game Tales from the lyft oooooooo

2/6/20 Ai Medicine and Lost Cars With Guest Host James Simmons
February 06, 2020

James joins us as we decipher which tweets are from the left or right. We learn what healthy weight loss looks like and how James lost his car We celebrate the wonderful Bayard Rustin and his activism. David Hackimfar guests to talk about new Virginia leg

2/4/20 Hypochondriacs with guest host James Simmons
February 05, 2020

Caucus coverage with a new ChannelQ sponsor The cold myths your mom probably lied to you about Dr. Jenn Mann joins us to talk prenup

2/5/2020 Some Not So True State of The Union Facts
February 05, 2020

Clayton is back to guest host as we discuss the state of the union speech and we also try our hand at a new game, You're The Worst. Speaking of games we play two truths one lie and try very hard to find what trump is actually telling the truth about.