That Story Show

That Story Show

Latest Episodes

285: The Permission Thief
February 21, 2019

How far would you go to get a forgotten permission slip?

284: Bug's Life is the Worst
February 15, 2019

No matter what, this episode always comes back to movies.

283: Scarface
February 07, 2019

When a man named Scarface signs for your missing package, what do you do? Donna Harris from Constantly Under Construction guests and tells us just that.

282: Glow Sticks
January 31, 2019

This week we're joined by Lucas Kirk who shares a story about a glow-in-the-dark drummer at a funeral.

281: One of These Things Doesn't Belong Here
January 24, 2019

This week our stories share a common theme: something not being where it belongs.

280: Redneck Girl
January 17, 2019

There's something women like about a flea market man. At least that's what Will believes as he's hit on by an aggressive Southern female with secret ways.

279: The Death Episode
January 10, 2019

Since John shared his Dead Bambi story as a comedy piece a couple shows back, we're dedicating an entire show to stories that relate in some way to Death. LULZ!

278: Christmas Butt Surgery
January 03, 2019

It's a whole new year and we're back with some great clean comedy stories. James shares about his holiday surgery, David yells at an LBB and John doesn't care for matching pajamas when he's going to the Polar Express. Plus we're sharing your hilarious rea

277: A Self-inflicted Wedgie
December 13, 2018

David shares a variety of hilarious real life sto…

276: Dead Bambi
December 06, 2018

This week James tells a funny story about a guy who wandered into a children's emergency room. John brings a story about a dead baby deer. Uplifting and inspiring.