Nintendo Teens Podcast

Nintendo Teens Podcast

NT003 - Pokemon X and Y

October 23, 2013

In this episode, we talk about the new features in Pokemon X and Y.

Intro :00

Pokemon X and Y Release, Easter Eggs, and Review and Video on Our Website :33

Pokemon X and Y has a few nice Easter Eggs and we did a review and unboxing on the game.

New Features Pokemon X and Y Introduces 3:01

Introduced to the Pokemon Franchise is 3D, New Pokemon, an annoying little glitch, and more.

Pokemon X and Y’s Story 7:18

We review X and y’s story and compare it to Black and White’s story.

More X and Y Features 9:27

We discuss the game difficulty, visuals, Fairy Type, Character Customization, and more.

Close 24:02

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