Ninja Intuitive

Ninja Intuitive

Latest Episodes

3 Mins Intuitive Blind Reading Quickies 1112016
January 11, 2016

Giving attention to what's around would help you notice some changes. Some are from a reflection of being part of larger space in the universe... some are from a magnetic effect of what we hold within has changed, self-reflection. When we change, the...

Intuitive Reading 3 Mins Blind Quickies 1042016
January 04, 2016

Let us give our Focus on Energy of Love and Light and Connection to Our Unique Root Energy in the Universal Oneness. Thank you for your co-creation supporting our energy community by listening and requesting Intuitive Blind Reading! Many Blessings to...

Intuitive Reading 3 Mins Blind Quickies 12282015
December 28, 2015

Welcome Gratitude, let us embody together here now at this co-creative space for one another feeling our connection in Universal oneness to create each of our fulfilling experience. Ha! Surprising unexpected phone call during the Livestreaming. Fun...

Intuitive Reading 3 mins Blind Quickies 12212015
December 21, 2015

Thank you for allowing me to this present time of your experience, co-creative together moments for each one of us to connect, feel, notice, direct attention towards more aligned, refined feeling in oneness of whole being. Energy shifting moment,...

Intuitive Reading 3 Mins Blind Quickies 121415
December 14, 2015

Thanking for allowing me to guide the energy, holding space for each one of us to connect and direct attentions. Everything coming to us letting know what is aligned, resonating to us, to you and to me. Only we, in our heart know about that state of...

Intuitive Reading 3 mins Blind Quickies 120716
December 07, 2015

Thank you for joining and co-creating, healing, holding the space for each one of us to connect, feel, notice and shift the energy into more refined, aligned in a reality resonating wholehearted intentional creation. Exercise to connect to the...

Intuitive Reading 3 Mins Blind Quickies 113015
November 30, 2015

Life is a creation, conscious or unconscious. Everything is a result of creation. And every single moment we experience changes. Everything on this planet earth changes regardless of our willingness. Our ideal journey would be to make these changes as...

Intuitive Reading 3 mins Blind Quickies 112315
November 23, 2015

We choose "Love" for the word today and use memories as tools to embody ideal state you are going to be aligned with for 30 mins we share and co-create space together. Who's in your mind eye? Today's Reading Picks are: (symbol: category) Grapes:...

Intuitive Reading 3 Mins Blind Quickies 111615
November 16, 2015

Welcome to our co-creation. Let us choose the word "peace" as this together 30 mins embodiment exercise here in our co-creative space. Thank you for listening and requesting intuitive blind reading with me. Your insight can be requested anonymously at...

Intuitive Reading - 3 Mins Blind Quickies 110915
November 09, 2015

Welcome to this week. Thank you for being part of co-creation, the space allowing each of us connecting in intuitive reading and own healing as a community. Reading Picks for the day: (Symbol: Category) Sun: Physical Well-being Pineapple: Lifepath...