Ninja Intuitive

Ninja Intuitive

3 Mins Intuitive Blind Reading Quickies 1252016

January 25, 2016

Intimate Love and Relationship Special Event Podcat is coming this Feb 2016!

Talk about Soul Connection and Twin Flames, having special guest Chandra-La, featuring Romantic Love Energy and Heart Chakra Healing and more!

To request your 3 mins, blind intuitive reading quickies visit: http:// and give initials or first name of your partner (potential), choose Love category, and submit anonymously! Look forward to connecting with your love!
Let us use the flow in the way supportive to our life in joy and happiness in our heart.
#awareness #healing #podcast

Choosing one word describes your feeling now you are with.
#Healing #Energy #Attention #Exercise #Breathe

Take the wave into the way as our way we want to
#fullmoon #healing #energy #awareness #focus #together

Congratulation to you with this awareness!
power to create the way we want to experience.
#consciousness #exercise

Awareness is the key for our own creation for well-being. The flow of the Universe is here around us, here within us.
We are changing one moment by moment by moment... #allow #flow to come in and create better resonance.
Circulate the energy. Let it #flow in energy return system in our universe.
Create the new flow #Fullmon Aligned in New You Invite new flow
Choose the feeling you'd like to have and select the word to resonate with.
#exercise #consciousness #create #life
Focus on Soul connection and #Twinflame - coming event podcast
#love #Valentinesday #love #relationship
Focus on Soul connection and #Twinflame - coming event podcast
#love #Valentinesday #love #relationship
Love and soulmate twin flame special podcast - submit anonymous request for your love intuitive reading
Special free gift for Lovers -personal intuitive reading session intimate love & relationshifts fb pm me.

Reading Picks for the day: (Symbol: Category)
- Plum: Lifepath
- K: Physical wellbeing

June Universe, my Intuitive Reading Services are available worldwide by the hour on phone bridge, able to connect from the internet tools: Ask me for details at visit: