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McKee joins NU while waiting on NHL job
October 14, 2010

UPDATE: Jay joined our show -- with special guest co-host Aaron Mentkowski of Ch.7 -- at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday. He talked about NU, how he changed his mind about Sidney Crosby and even joked with us to put in a good word for him with Darcy Regier. LISTEN

TLNM Podcast, Week Five w/ NBC’s Luke Russert
October 11, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- Here's this week's The Late Nick Mendola podcast with NBC's Luke Russert. Luke talked about the Bills prospects of 0-16 and threw in some commentary on how Carl Paladino is regarded in D.C. right now. And a bonus segment on how the Fitz is

“Let’s Go Bills Rap,” Week Five
October 08, 2010

(WECK 123o) -- Trent's back and the Bills have not been eliminated from the playoffs yet. Let's celebrate via poorly-performed and well-produced hip-hop! DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN HERE

“Let’s Go Bills Rap” — An Apology
September 30, 2010

My throat is behaving like a real... other part of the body, and won't allow my voice to produce this week's Bills rap. So I offer last year's Bills v. Jets rap, complete with Lee Evans and Reggie Torbor mentions. Download and listen here. This is probab

TLNM Podcast w/ Luke Russert, Vol. III
September 27, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- Our weekly podcast with NBC News' Luke Russert delves into the Trent Edwards release, the depth at running back and even Carl Paladino's chances in November. Download and listen HERE.

“Let’s Go Bills” Rap, Week Three
September 24, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- Hopefully this is the week. What else can you say when it's the Bills and the Patriots? Celebrate another game in Foxboro with the Week Three Bills Rap. Download and listen here.

TLNM Week Two podcast w/ NBC’s Luke Russert
September 20, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- Week Two's talk with NBC's Luke Russert revolves around -- what else? -- the quarterback switch and the offensive line. There's much much more to go around with the big time Bills fan. LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST HERE.

“Let’s Go Bills Rap, Week Two”
September 16, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- For the first time in the history of the Bills rap, pony tails are mentioned. At least, I believe it's the first time. Enjoy it, and beat Green Bay: DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN HERE. And here's our CJ Spiller Song from last month, in the hopes of

Weekly Bills recap w/ Luke Russert & more
September 13, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- It's Monday, which means a regular check-in with NBC News' Luke Russert, a huge Bills fan. We spent the episode talking a whole lot of Bills/Fins, a little November election and even some college football. Afterward, at the 18-minute mark,

Music, Reporting and a Contest: A Bills Potpourri
September 09, 2010

(WECK 1230) -- I'm about to conclude an insane week of preparation for football season, so rather than conduct three blog posts, how about you let me long-dash my way through one? Pretty please? 1) "The Bills Rap" is back. Some of you hated it on WGR and