And The Next Thing You Know
Julia Serano Likes Scare Quotes
Julia Serano is the author of the nonfiction books Whipping Girl, Excluded and Outspoken. She also just published a work of fiction called 99 Erics: a Kat Cataclysm faux novel. But wait, there’s more! She’s a biologist. She’s an activist. She’s a musician. And as you will be reminded in this conversation, Julia Serano is a “Notable Feminist Theorist.” And I’m putting that in, as she might say, “scare quotes.”
Julia sat down with me to talk about how her life changed in three surprising ways in the wake of her gender transition, but not because she transitioned. She became a writer, a feminist theorist, and she became more confrontational, sometimes even “bombastic,” rather than a person who just wanted to smooth things over. We also talk about Rush.Find Julia! dot comWe are And The Next Thing You Know.Thank you to all our amazing Patrons, and a particular hat tip to Serendipity level contributors Brittany, Emily, and Dorian. If you give at any level, there’s extra good stuff at’m still looking for your stories about how COVID-19 is changing your life. How are you feeling? How are you coping? Have you or someone you love been directly affected? If you want to share your thoughts, record a short voice memo on your phone, and email it to nextthingpod at gmail dot com.Find us at: nextthingpod : fb • gmail • patreonFind me, Suzie Sherman, at:soozenextthing : insta • twitterThe banana peel is by Max Ronnersjö.maxronnersjo.tumblr.comThe music by Jon