The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Reconciling with the senseless and the unnatural
November 15, 2012

Next Step #232: An emotional unwinding of ideas at the death of a little girl. Fr. Vazken explores this tragedy from a pastoral standpoint, bringing together Armenian Orthodox themes - Discovery of the Cross and the raising of the sleeping child (Luke 8).

Barking at Caravans
November 08, 2012

Next Step #231: Extending the concept of "undanik" to "under heaven" in understanding the family of God (Storm Sandy and walking In His Shoes). Fr. Vazken explains that Matthew 12:46-50 is not a lesson in biology as rude as it may seem. Extending Christia

Obnoxious Voices from the Ridge
November 01, 2012

Next Step #230: Nietzche's formula for cheer applied to the Armenian Church via Armodoxy. Fr. Vazken's "Protest Manual" is revealed talking about effective protest and ill-fated varieties against the establishment. Bringing about change from within and no

Abstract to the Tangible
October 26, 2012

Next Step #229: En route to the Domestic Violence Walk and the unveiling of Datev Outreach, Fr. Vazken reflects on the intertwining of the abstract and tangible. Abstract ideas matterialize via tangible vehicles. Case in point, Christ and the Christian me

Endings: Death and Defrockery
October 18, 2012

Next Step #228: Patriarch Torkom Manoogian passes; Guest Commentary by Dr. Harry Hagopian. Politics in the Church? Never more pronounced - While a priest who brings people to the Armenian Church is defrocked, another clergyman who preaches non-Orthodox th

Holy Matrimony with Bubbles
October 11, 2012

Next Step #227: The "Mystery" of Holy Matrimony explained by a proud godfather as Ani Bubbles gets ready to walk the aisle. Whether you're a newlywed, been married for 50 years or contemplating the plunge, this episode explains the deep meaning of love, l

A Question of Morality
October 04, 2012

Next Step #226: Where does morality - our sense of right and wrong - come from? Is it possible to have a morality apart from God? Armodoxy and the In His Shoes models hold some clues to the answer. The Road to In His Shoes and to Armodoxy is just as impor

Privilege of the Cross
September 27, 2012

Next Step #225: Returning from the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, after 39 miles, Fr. Vazken shares some solitary notes that point to the power of the cross. Reflections from the walk - the responsibility and privilege of Christianity. Church-business where

Team In Her Shoes
September 20, 2012

Next Step #224: The Autumnal Equinox kicks off with a Walk against Cancer - by Team In Her Shoes. In preparation for the Avon Breast Cancer 39 Mile Walk in Santa Barbara, Fr. Vazken gets up-close and personal with reflections of battles won and lost again

Enough, Eli...
September 13, 2012

Next Step #223: Jesus' last words on the Cross - "Eli, Eli Lama Sabactani" are the preface to the Feast of the Holy Cross. An Armodoxy explanation via St. Nersess Shnorhali.  Fanning the flames of hatred with religious intolerance throughout the worl