The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Spiritual Warfare against Genocide
April 22, 2009

Next Step #46: Rape is discussed as one of the absolutes – there’s no justification or rationalization whether we destroy the planet, human life or the gene pool. The topic is a big one and Fr. Vazken takes the route of spiritual warfare – using the

Arise from the Dark into the Light
April 16, 2009

Next Step #45 – The Easter message continues as Resurrection finds its way out of Jerusalem to each heart. Warren Goodman is granted parole and a new Gregory Beylerian artwork gets a “Rise” in the midst of our doubt. April 15 – Tax Day in the US,

Next Step Easter Message 2009
April 12, 2009

Special Edition - Next Step with Fr. Vazken - (#44) Easter Message. Where do we look for Jesus after the resurrection? Jesus died for me, is that it? Anything else? Here's a very special message with a call to action and responsibility in the Christian li

Holy Week Passions: "The Eve of the Last Supper"
April 11, 2009

A Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Orthodox Church at the Armenian Church Youth Ministries Center in Glendale, California Celebrant Priest: Father Vazken Movsesian Musical Selection: Gor Mkhitarian from the Spirit Album Camera: Christaphor Movsesian Sign La

Holy Week 2009 – 99¢ Store Miracle
April 08, 2009

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the focal point of Holy Week. And during this period, we don’t just remember the events of Holy Week, but we actually live them through our services. In this podcast Fr. Vazken leads us through an experience at the 99

Second Coming: It’s No April Fool’s Joke
April 01, 2009

Which way do you look to see Jesus’ second coming? East? West? And how far? 2 years? 20 years? 2000 years? The answer might surprise some and even irritate others, but to the Next Stepper, it’s one more way that Armenian orthodoxy gives a practical an

Prayer Beyond the Wish List
March 25, 2009

Praying for a Mercedes with Janis or an end to the war in Iraq all involve something deeper than a mere conversation. Fr. Vazken discusses a very misunderstood topic: Prayer. Whether you want to hang out at the pool of Bethesda or lament your losses in th

Darfur Genocide Escalates
March 18, 2009

As the Genocide escalates in Darfur, the In His Shoes mission turned its focus to more creative means of activism. This podcast is uniquely dedicated to the Darfur Genocide, but much more, it is about the faith and hope in the power of good. Here, Fr. Vaz

Coming Home – the sin of the Prodigal
March 11, 2009

Building on the theme of Lent, this 3rd week of Lent focuses on the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). The theme of the podcast is “Coming home.” On this 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against China, Fr. Vazken adds a candle on an Armenian

Free Will and Responsibility
March 05, 2009

Building on the themes presented last week, the Lenten Journey continues with a look at Free Will and Responsibility. An Armenian Orthodox look at God presents metaphysical concepts which scrape the surface of space-time as understood in the concept of Lo