The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Can't Avoid that Cross
September 10, 2009

Next Step #66: In the aftermath of making history with another electronic next step - streaming the Armenian Orthodox perspective. New models for living- finding the central point of our lives and the programming that is fed us. A letter about the prosper

Working the Wild Fires
September 03, 2009

Next Step #65: The wild fires of Southern California serve as a metaphor for sin. A Labor day meditation on work, labor and purpose - the necessity to work - and what about when the work doesn't yield large profits? Is it worth it? The need to work/labor

Summer Wrap Up and the Electronic Horizon
August 27, 2009

Next Step #64: Wrapping up a busy summer and looking ahead at the electronic ministry to come, Fr. Vazken details some of projects that were developed during his Sabbatical and new steps for the electronic vision. The passing of Ted Kennedy, gives cause f

Empire Ideas Stimulate Orthodox Thoughts
August 20, 2009

Next Step #61: Returning from a teaching trip in New York, Fr. Vazken reflects on many thoughts inspired by the Empire State. A cab ride to California could have made us miss the eclipse! But a quick stop at the Eastern Diocesan headquarters in Manhattan,

The Evolution of the Fashion Show
August 20, 2009

Next Step #63: "The Evolution of the Fashion Show" or TURN AROUND THAT UPSIDE-DOWN MORTGAGE! Focusing in on goals and purpose is the key that leads to a productive life rich in flavor and meaning. Drawing from John 15, the metaphor of the grapes and the g

The Virgin at Woodstock: What we learn from grapes
August 13, 2009

Next Step #62: It’s the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock and the FEAST of Assumption of St. Mary. Two events separated by millennium, held together by Armodoxy. Fr. Vazken delves into the notion of goodness and saints, by explaining that St. Mary – as th

More Than Language
July 29, 2009

Next Step #60: The disenfranchised members of the Church – is language just a convenient scapegoat? (In His Steps? The Next Shoes? – definitely not about language!) Fr. Vazken gives instructions here on not just reading a prayer – but experiencing i

Sun and Moon: It's the Coffee that's important
July 22, 2009

Next Step #59: Following up on the theme of Transfiguration, looking at light beyond its sources. The longest solar eclipse, the 40th Anniversary of the lunar landing, the sale of the St. James Church building on West Adams Blvd., and Croatia all come int

From Numbers to Light – it’s the connection that matters
July 18, 2009

Next Step #58: Next Step begins with an interesting number theories from listener Yuri in St. Petersburg, Russia. Is it by chance that #57 had all the digits in the date stamp? If so, what about zero? Can you shed some light on that? Jesus did exactly tha

With Freedom Comes Responsibility
July 08, 2009

Next Step #57: Today. Earth date 7.8.9. Just as the date flows so does this podcast. Two years after the “7x77 Forgiveness Conference” Fr. Vazken recaps the basics of the formula for forgiveness and peace. Also, one final look at the Michael Jackson d