The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Menu for the Second Coming
March 18, 2010

Next Step #93: A very "Meaty" podcast for the Lenten Season. Exploring the Second Coming of Christ - the Armodoxy way! A clip from the televangelist's infomercial will make you believe you’ve tuned in to Saturday Night Live. But don’t despair – ther

From Women to Reformation
March 11, 2010

Next Step #92: Beyond women in the church, here's a look at the possibility of reform, through protest. The story of Seta Simonian - first woman acolyte of the Orthodox Church in America. The World Vision workers martyred in Pakistan are remembered. Lette

Escape to the Desert, but not from Life
March 05, 2010

Next Step #91: On Location at the Nevada/Arizona boarder - this message comes from the desert where God has painted the rocks with His artistic style. Drugs, alcohol, the desert and even religion (ala Marx) is escapism, but Jesus approaches the topic via

Heart Prints
February 25, 2010

Next Step #90: Has anyone ever tried Christianity? Karl Marx's challenge is applied to Christianity. Can the Prodigal answer that challenge? Answers to the questions concerning the Vazkenian Seminary - Find out where and who these people are. Fr. Vazken o

Expelling the Fairy Tale of Expulsion
February 18, 2010

Next Step #89: The causes of sin and usurping God's power: A different look at Expulsion Sunday. Check out the warning label on some of your OT stories: Religion is not for children. Fairy tales make for good camera, but can scare the kids (and us) to the

Look Out 2012, It’s 2010!
February 11, 2010

Next Step #88: Bring it all together BEFORE Lent, in PREPARATION of Lent, to GET THROUGH Lent. We go pre-Mayan Calendar and find the tools for life: Looking at Valentine and Vartanantz, Ghevont, Poon Paregentan, Fat Sunday, Diaruntarach, Candlemas, Easter

Midwinter Blues Turn Fun
February 04, 2010

Next Step #87: Special numerical calculations for 2010 - 40 days twixt Christmas and Groundhogs, gives way to the Purification period. 40 days twixt Presentation and the End of Lent - doesn't happen, but once in a lifetime. Drop the embarrassment from Chr

Cheerleading with the Evangelists
January 28, 2010

Next Step #86: Cheerleading may offer hope, but the church and the Christian have the added challenge of adding faith and love to the mixture. Haiti, Conan and Leno, Obama’s State of the Union, are all in this one, as they lead the discussion to the big

Busting the Noah Myth
January 21, 2010

Next Step #85: Robertson blames God: A look at the absurdity of juvenile theodicy. Haitians will work for food, Conan will not work and still have food (and plenty of $Money!) What's going on here? How come Noah missed the unicorns, but picked up some ba

The Orthodoxy of Dr. King’s Message
January 14, 2010

Next Step #84: You don’t need CES or 3D to be enveloped in Christianity, just dare to bring Christ off of the altar and you might dare to call Martin Luther King, orthodox! On the eve of the MLK Retreat, Fr. Vazken looks at the teachings of non-violence