The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Blue Moon to Lights of Christmas
December 16, 2010

Next Step #132: Physical and emotional pain find relief in the expression of love. Keeping the dream alive after the horrific murder of Yvette Hakopian by giving children a Christmas morning miracle. Explained: the best way to fight fire – yes, you can

Unlimited and Indefinable Nature of God
December 09, 2010

Next Step #131: Along the road to Christmas, we journey to the outer areas of the universe on an Advent journey. What is the unlimited and indefinable nature of God? No need to check your brain-in at the door: The Kingdom of Heaven is within and without y

Changing Perception at Advent
December 02, 2010

Next Step #130: What changes? God? The Universe? Us? God - then, today and tomorrow - can we ever understand? The Armodoxy answer might surprise you.  Advent thoughts in preparation to Christmas – the shift in view and perception; Astronomers disco

Focusing Vision on Thanksgiving
November 25, 2010

Next Step #129: Focusing on the theme of Thanksgiving allows us to transcend the self and understand ourselves in the bigger picture of “giving” rather than receiving. Celebrate the shift from victim to victor as Fr. Vazken explains the Focused Vision

Avoiding Collisions by Melding
November 18, 2010

Next Step #128: Melding East and West is not a melt-down but certainly avoids the collision; Building identity the Armodoxy way; Jehovah Witness teens come to the door; St. Apkar the first king – a unique name indeed, especially for an Armenian Church â

Firm, Grounded and Established in Love
November 11, 2010

Next Step #127: On Veterans Day (and the last of the binaries) - reflections on war and tears shed for a special soldier. The godfather marries off his goddaughter – lessons from scripture, from God and being “firm in faith, grounded in hope and estab

Buds to Roses: The Birthright Way
November 04, 2010

Next Step #126: Interview with Linda Yepoyan, Executive Director of Birthright Armenia on the opportunities given to connect, serve and identify. The “Chosen Generation” knows they have a responsibility in State Building – they are NOT ready to acce

Making saints out of Halloween and Religion
October 28, 2010

Next Step #125: Putting the Saints back into Halloween. Nothing to fear unless you’re peddling religion to children. Didn’t we say religion is not for kids! We find Patriarch Kyrll and Pope Benedict on the same page? In His Shoes hits the $ 500,000 ma

New Means for a Bold Mission
October 22, 2010

Next Step #124: Just back from the New Media Expo in Las Vegas with ideas and resources for expansion. How new media becomes a tool for evangelization. The Mission of Christ as expressed in Luke 4:14-21 becomes the Mission of the Church – th

Building Inside and Out
October 19, 2010

Next Step #119: A building comes alive as His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians consecrates the new St. Leon (Srbotz Ghevontyantz) Armenian Cathedral in Los Angeles. The Holy Spirit changes inanimate stones to the living church. Fr. Vazken