BullionVault's New York Markets Live

BullionVault's New York Markets Live

Gold, SiIver and Alternative Assets - Sep 20,2013

September 20, 2013

Your host Miguel Perez-Santalla, Vice President of BullionVault is joined by Rich Checkan, Vice President of Asset Strategies International. They will be discussing precious metals and foreign exchange markets, the current state of the global economy and the future for prices. What does recent Federal Reserve Action mean for the US dollar? What are the different products available to the investor? Also, what is the principal reason for an investor to be involved in these alternative assets? Be sure to tune in to what will be an education in strategy and serious food for thought about these options.Rich Checkan has been with Asset Strategies International for over 17 years. He is a sought after speaker about alternative investments having presented at over 50 conferences and seminars. He is a regular contributor to their monthly newsletter, Information Line and their weekly news alerts, Always Something Interesting. He is a graduate of United States Military Academy at West Point and left military service at the rank of Captain.New York Markets Live brings you valuable insight on the markets so you can make smart investing decisions. Call in with questions.About Miguel Perez-SantallaA passionate advocate for retail investors and a regular speaker at industry and media events, Miguel Perez-Santalla has more than 30 years' experience in the precious metals business. He is a Vice President of BullionVault, the world's largest precious metals exchange for gold and silver.