New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World
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New World Kirtan Talks With Jai Uttal Part 1
I've always admired Jai Uttal as a musician, and he was pure pleasure to interview for the Denver Chant Fest. Here is Part 1 of our conversation.
Nataraj, the Dancing Shiva
Nataraj is the dancing form of Lord Shiva. Usually you see this depicted in bronze as the god Shiva dancing in a circle of flames with his foot crushing a demon that symbolizes ignorance. It is said that Shiva can dance gently or violently -- these are ju
Fresh Tracks 17
I've been looking forward to this one! It's the first set of the New Year, my birthday, and also the start of a new phase for New World Kirtan. After 5 successful years, we're ready to expand. Our vision is to spread the word far and wide about this magi
Shift Happens
It's December 21, 2012 and could the day be more auspicious? It's the winter solstice, the end of the Mayan calendar, and New World Kirtan's 5th Birthday! I've been compiling our end-of-the-year statistics, and the podcast is now being downloaded almost 8
Oh Canada!
This week's set is filled with the music of  kirtan artists from Canada. Enjoy! SONG ARTIST CD Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om OM Wade Imre Morissette Maha Moha: The Great Delusion Hare Ram Lila Myth and Myrrh Krishna Gayatri Swaha Bolo
It's Thanksgiving once again, time to savor and give thanks for the good, the bad and the ugly in our beautifully messy lives. I have much to be thankful for, but this one is all about appreciating you. I'm thankful for you, dear listener. You have enrich
Running With Kirtan
Running used to be a passion of mine. I ran for years, usually to music, and loved it. Running has since been replaced with swimming & Yoga, and I love my new routine too. If I was running these days, I'd be running to kirtan for sure. Â Now you'll get to
Kirtan For Election Night II
This set originally ran on Election Night 2010, and it was a great distraction from the electoral shenanigans. I'm posting early tonight in the hope that it will help you remember what is Real through this Election Night 2012. Namaste, dear friends. S
Fresh Tracks 16
This podcast is dedicated with love to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The set this week takes me back to the warmth of the weather and the open hearts of Bhakti Fest. These are the treasures from the second batch of CDs brought back from Joshua T
Invoking Tara
The chants from this week’s podcast invoke Tara, the Goddess of Peace & Protection. Tara appears in virtually every culture on Earth, and represents the Mother Creator -- the eternal force that fuels all of life. The Tara mantra is widely used in Tibet