New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

Rob & Melissa Live Zoom Kirtan

May 05, 2021

Rob and Melissa are husband & wife kirtan musicians from the Seattle area, but they travel extensively, leading kirtans, workshops and retreats around the world. They have shared their music at numerous yoga festivals in the US, including Bhakti Fest, Prana Fest, Samsara Fest, and the Northwest Yoga Feast. They’ve been to Corvallis several times to play for us, and their music is featured regularly in our Friday kirtan sets. Rob & Melissa are both beautiful human beings — you can hear the sweetness in their voices and in the music they play. We were so happy to welcome them again to our Friday Satsang via Zoom. Enjoy!
PS. The gentle snoring sound you sometimes hear between the chants is their puppy, Bodhi. She’s dreaming that she’s a tanpura. Until next week, my friends. Namaste.