New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

Chants To Help You Sleep

May 12, 2020

I got some very good news this week — my hip replacement surgery has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 13 — that’s tomorrow! So I’ve been gearing back up — listening to chants for healing & guided meditations for surgery. I’ll be taking a break for a few weeks while I recover.
But before I go, it’s time for a word. The pandemic has placed all of us, all over the world, in the same storm but in different boats. At the top of the podcast, I talk a little bit about what our family’s quarantine boat is like, and what is helping me not to capsize. I also have a few choice words for our President. You should listen.
This week’s set is one I played for our Friday Satsang last week, and it’s a collection of chants that are calming and will help you get to sleep. We start, as always, with Jane Winthur’s Om chant from her CD Mantra. Then we’ll have Kabir’s Song, Snatam Kaur — Anand, Narasimha, Deva Premal — Password, Rama Lullaby, Rob & Melissa — Tejase, Govinda Hare, Jaya Lakshmi — Jewel of Hari, Shaantih Prayer, Swaha — Salutations, Rambient, Carrie Grossman — The Ram Sessions, Ganapati Om, Govind Das & Radha — Lunar Mantras, Om Mane Padme Hum 2, Jane Winther — Mantra, ending with Sanctus, Ashana — Jewels of Silence.
So I’m going to sign off now for a few weeks — I’ll be back on the other side of the surgery. It has been a long long journey with this pain, my friends, and my life is about to change for the better. I can’t wait. Enjoy life, stay healthy and until next time — Namaste.