New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

The Power of Om

April 30, 2014

This week’s podcast is a solid hour of the mantra Om, which is not so much a word as “rather an intonation, which, like music, transcends the barriers of age, race, culture and even species.” When we chant Om we align our body/mind/Spirit, and we align with each other when we chant Om together. The meaning of Om is big, and it’s a sound that validates oneness and harmony.

There’s really no way to describe the power of this mantra, it’s something to experience for yourself. Take the ride, pierce the veil and go deep my friends. Until next week — Namaste.


Mercury Max
The Eternal Om

Brent Lewis, DJ Free & Soulfood
Yoga Groove

Om Mantra (The Cosmic Yes)
Deval Premal & Miten
A Deeper Light

Jane Winther

Om, excerpt
Robert Gass
Om Namah Shivaya

Om Super Powerful ( 1 Hour of Peace), excerpt
Nipun Aggarwal
Om Super Powerful (1 Hour of Peace)

Ultimate Om, excerpt
Jonathan Goldman
Ultimate Om

