New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World

Deepak & the Breath of Life Tribe LIVE at the Denver Chant Fest 2014

March 01, 2014

The Denver Chant Fest followed by Dave Stringer’s Flight School was a warm blast of mid-winter Bhakti in grey, cold February. Both were incredible experiences, and I’ll tell you about them in this week’s show. For those of us at the Flight School who were fascinated by Dave’s talk on the neurophysiology of chanting, here’s an article for further reference.

Deepak & the Breath of Life Tribe gave a beautiful set at the chant fest, and part of the magic was Sheila Bringi on vocals & bansuri flute. Deepak is the first of three live sets that will be released from the Denver Chant Fest. The second, coming sometime this weekend, is from the Pushpams, a local Denver group. The third is the transcendent two and a half hour set from Jai Uttal on Saturday night.

We’re happy to welcome White Swan/Black Swan as podcast sponsor! Their ads for new music Wednesday will start at the website next month.

Enjoy Deepak, and until next time my friends — Namaste.

