News Talk 590 WVLK

News Talk 590 WVLK

Latest Episodes

Paul Ryan Report
April 13, 2016

House Speaker Paul Ryan has once again said he won't be a candidate for President.

Sen. Stivers
April 07, 2016

Kruser talks with state Senate President Robert Stivers about the budget, the convention center and the presdidential campaign.

James Lovell
April 04, 2016

Jack Pattie talks with Apollo 13 Commander James Lovell

Governor Matt Bevin
March 18, 2016

Jack Pattie talks about the budget process with Governor Matt Bevin.

Kim Campbell
March 09, 2016

Jack Pattie talks with Glen Campbell's wife about Alzheimer's Disease

Gov Bevin
March 08, 2016

Lee Cruse talks with Gov. Matt Bevin

Dudley Webb
March 08, 2016

Jack Pattie talks with Dudley Webb about the Centre Pointe project.

Lexington Public Library
February 22, 2016

Dave Kesling talks with Ann Hammond of the Lexington Public Library.

Monday night
February 15, 2016

Jeff Drummond and Ben Roberts

Kevin Stinnett
February 11, 2016

Kruser and Councilman Kevin Stinnett discuss the Centre Pointe/City Hall issues.