News Talk 590 WVLK

News Talk 590 WVLK

Latest Episodes

Thursday's Show
April 06, 2017

talking UK Football with Keenan Burton

Carla Blanton
April 06, 2017

Jack talks with Carla Blanton of Commerce Lexington.

Larry Pratt
April 06, 2017

Jack talks with the head of Gun Owners of America about the bidders to build the Wall on the Mexican border.

First Headlines
April 06, 2017

Your first look at the news for Thursday.

Wednesday's Show
April 05, 2017

TJ Beisner

Sen. Mitch McConnell
April 05, 2017

Lee talks with Sen. McConnell about the "nuclear option" and the upcoming confirmation vote on Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Bryan Crabtree
April 05, 2017

Jack talks to the Atlanta talk show host and author about the Gorsuch confirmation and the Atlanta Interstate collapse.

Dr. Ashley Keith
April 05, 2017

Facts to astound your friends from our veterinarian friend.

Tuesday's Show
April 04, 2017

Chris Fisher

Jeff Piecoro
April 04, 2017

The Reds season has opened. We get an update from Jeff Piecoro.