News Talk 590 WVLK

News Talk 590 WVLK

Latest Episodes

Nancy Cox
May 18, 2017

Jack talks to the LEX 18 anchor.

Brian Crabtree
May 18, 2017

Jack talks with writer and editor Crabtree about the Seth Rich death and other Washington scandals.

Special Counsel
May 18, 2017

Joe Johns reports on the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the presidential election.

Brian Goetl
May 18, 2017

Kruser talks with the Republican Jessamine County Attorney about the latest revelations and rumors out of Washington.

Wednesday's Show
May 17, 2017

TJ Beisner, Jeff Drummond and Kenny Rice

Morgan Hall
May 17, 2017

Morgan Hall, with Shriner's Medical Center, talks about Shriner's, and it's recent move.

Dr. Herb London
May 17, 2017

Jack talks with the director of the London Center for Policy Research about the current crop of Washington scandals.

Dr. Ashley Keith
May 17, 2017

Jack and the veterinarian talk about fleas.

Quint Tatro
May 17, 2017

Morning Money for Wednesday

First Headlines
May 17, 2017

Wednesday's first news.