New Money Review podcast

New Money Review podcast

North Korea—the new money superpower

September 08, 2022

There’s a rising superpower in the world of money—a country that’s cut off from the global financial network, but which is playing an increasingly prominent and disruptive role within it.

Though the country denies it, researchers are almost certain that over the last three decades, North Korea has been behind some of the most audacious and brazen frauds in history. These have involved counterfeiting, theft, hacking, bank raids, ransomware and cyber-attacks.

The attacks have been planned well in advance and executed with military precision. North Korea’s evident skills in these areas have both shocked and impressed the analysts who have studied its exploits.


As more and more of our payments move online, North Korea’s ability to disrupt the financial system through hacks, thefts and other disruptive activity is getting more dangerous.

To talk about this important topic, in the latest New Money Review podcast I was joined by Geoff White, an investigative journalist, a specialist in cybersecurity and the author of a recent book on North Korea called the Lazarus Heist.

Listen in for a thrilling story that anyone involved in finance, technology or politics should know about.