New Money Review podcast

Cutting through the blockchain hype
- Confusion over the meaning of the terms ‘blockchain’ and ‘distributed ledger technology’ is worsening
- A true blockchain has decentralised control, yet decentralisation is not a binary property—it varies continuously, depending on the way a system is set up, its hierarchies and power structures
- A blockchain without decentralisation is better described as a shared database—yet such shared databases could still be revolutionary in sectors where data has historically been held in silos
- The trade-offs involved in competing blockchain systems are rarely advertised by their promoters
- Any analysis of a blockchain must be holistic: it must cover the structure of the underlying protocol, the network itself and the kind of data recorded
- The study of blockchains draws on many academic disciplines: for example, computer science, cryptography, network science, economics, finance, anthropology, sociology and politics.